Monday 27 October 2014

Design participated in 2014 Speed Careering Day at Doonside Technology High School

On Monday 27th October, Karen Mulvihill-Wray and Joanna Nestoroski from Design NADC participated in the 2014 Speed Careering Day at Doonside Technology High School. Approximately 150 students spent 10 minutes in groups of 10 finding out from Karen and Joanna about all Design course offerings, pathways from Certificate III to Degree and career opportunities in all Design disciplines.

Karen introduced the students to the Design courses at NADC at the start of the day in a quick presentation on stage and explained what activities she and Joanna would be doing and what information the students would be gaining.

As an appreciation for their efforts, Karen and Joanna where given a certificate and a bunch of flowers.

Here are some images taken from Doonside Technology High School with students and participants in the event.
Below are Joanna and Karen next to our Design sign on display.


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